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  • Writer's pictureGreenway Turf Solutions

The Brisbane City Council Sports Field Flood Recovery Project; Working with Local Government


In 2022, Brisbane City Council faced significant challenges due to devastating floods, resulting in the impairment of numerous sports fields across the city. This case study explores the partnership between Brisbane City Council, Australia's largest local government authority, and Greenway Turf Solutions in managing the remediation of these affected sports fields.



Brisbane City Council oversees a vast network of over 545 turfed sports fields spanning 362 hectares within its 1,338 square kilometre jurisdiction. These fields serve as crucial recreational assets for a population of 1.28 million residents. The council employs a leasing model where local sporting clubs maintain and utilise these facilities.

The 2022 floods inflicted catastrophic damage, compromising the quality and safety of over 90 sports fields in Brisbane. The February and March 2022 floods in South-East Queensland and Northern NSW resulted in an estimated insurance bill of $5.76 billion. To address this crisis, the Queensland State Government provided funding, prompting Brisbane City Council to issue a tender for the remediation of these vital green spaces.



The floods caused a multitude of issues on the sports fields, including:

·        Topsoil stripping.

·        Nutrient depletion.

·        Silt build-up.

·        Turf grass mortality.

Several of the sites were classified on the Contaminated Land Register which posed supplementary hazards and risks that saw additional specialist site inspections conducted and extra parameters when completing works.

These challenges not only rendered many fields unusable but also disrupted seasonal fixtures, posing safety concerns for players and spectators alike.



Greenway Turf Solutions was chosen to manage the remediation of 32 sports fields due to its:

1.        Expertise in turf management.

2.        Project execution.

3.        Established relationships with both the Council and local sporting clubs.

The solution commenced with scientific analysis of the presented issues. From this analysis, Greenway Turf Solutions formulated a response which involved a comprehensive program of works tailored to each site's specific conditions. This program included:

·        Scarifying.

·        Aeration.

·        Top dressing.

·        Re-turfing.

·        Spraying applications.

·        Nutritional amendments.



The remediation works were meticulously planned and executed around the fixture schedules of local sporting clubs. Over 20 local contractors were mobilised to complete the necessary corrections, fostering collaboration among Council, Greenway Turf Solutions, sporting club committees, and contracting firms.


Outcomes for Local Government Sports Fields:

The completion of the project restored the functionality and safety of all 32 sports fields, exceeding quality and safety standards for local sporting events. The treatments administered are expected to yield long-lasting benefits, with sporting clubs continuing to engage Greenway Turf Solutions for ongoing maintenance.



Through effective project management, expertise in turf solutions, and collaborative stakeholder engagement, Greenway Turf Solutions successfully exceeded expectations in the remediation efforts. This case study underscores the resilience and commitment demonstrated by both the local government and the sporting community in restoring and enhancing recreational spaces for the benefit of the community.

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