Perennial Ryegrasses
Turf type perennial ryegrasses are hard wearing and quick to germinate. This species can be used in both proffesional sports turf and in fine turf settings such as landscaping. Suitable for overseeding as it can establish rapidly in a range of soils.
Colosseum turf perennial ryegrass
Colosseum is a medium-fine, mid-green, perennial ryegrass that is a cross between Mediterranean and American genetics. The Mediterranean genetics gives the turf active winter growth in cooler weather and rapid germination, especially in cold temperatures down to 5°C.
Fast germination
Winter active Mediterranean genetics
Wear resistance and recovery
Attractive glossy mid-green colour
Contains endophyte
Application Rate
Colosseum turf ryegrass can be sown at 30 - 50 g/m2 (300 - 500 kg/ha). Use the higher seeding rate for faster establishment. In new sports fields and winter over-seeded couchgrass it should be sown at 400 - 500 kg/ha.
Pack Size: 25Kg

Soprano turf perennial ryegrass
Soprano is an attractive, very dark green, perennial ryegrass with outstanding density and fineness making it a great choice for lawns, golf courses and sports fields. Soprano has good resistance to summer diseases allowing it to maintain high quality in humid conditions over summer.
Exceptional very dark green colour
Forms a dense, fine turf of high quality
Retains good quality in humid summer conditions
Rapid speed of establishment for a dark cultivar
Application Rate
Full sowing 40 - 50 g/m2 (400 - 500 kg/ha). Oversowing (into warm season grass) 30 - 35 g/m2 (300 - 350 kg/ha)
Pack Size: 25Kg

Spartacus turf perennial ryegrass
Spartacus is a medium dark green turf perennial ryegrass with good density and fineness and an outstanding lively green colour retention with absence of browning. Excellent yearround colour and scores well in trials for both density and fineness.
Speed of establishment
Medium dark green
Contains endophyte
Excellent year-round colour
Absence of browning
Application Rate
Spartacus turf perennial ryegrass can be sown in lawns at 30 - 50 g/m2 (300 - 500 kg/ha). Use the higher seeding rate for faster establishment. In new sports fields and winter over-seeded warm season grass it should be sown at 400 - 500 kg/ha.
Pack Size: 25Kg

Fiesta Cinco Perennial Ryegrass
Fiesta Cinco perennial ryegrass demonstrates the highest turf quality overall at all locations of the 2016 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass trials. Fiesta Cinco has a very dark green colour with superior winter colour retention. This variety also has superior resistance to Crown Rust and Pink Snow Mould and very high resistance to Gray Leaf Spot and Red Thread.
Superior Turf Quality
Very Dark Green Colour
Superior Disease Resistance
Excellent Wear Tolerance
Application Rate
Oversowing: 300 kg/ha Establishment: 450 kg/ha
Pack Size: 25Kg